One of the most delightful moments of my life—besides discovering you could eat lavender, throwing a birthday party for my cat, or finishing my first book—was discovering that I had the exact same silverware set as Hogwarts.
My silverware set from World Market versus the cutlery from the movies (okay, fine, there’s is gold on the top and mine is silver—but it is very, very similar):
That discovery made me feel like my house was just a little bit magical. I hadn’t even done it on purpose, like the time I tried to turn my parents’ house into Hogwarts for a party*. It felt like real world magic.
The other night, inspired by a Harry Potter-themed AirBnB so unmagical that I won’t even share the link here, I decided to fill a Pinterest board with my ideas for a fully-Harry Potter themed house, or at least a bedroom to start.
Here are some of my favorites:
A Cozy Reading Chair
via Ikea
via potterybarn
Like this leather wing-back from IKEA or this overstuffed one from Pottery Barn, which both look great for reading Hogwarts, A History in front of the fireplace or — you know — binge watching The Golden Girls on Netflix. To me, Hogwarts is a place of texture: iron sconces, stone walls, woolen jumpers, thick wooden doors, leather books... This armchair is a great way to add some of that tactile castle aesthetic, even if you’re living in a white dry-wall box. (Tip: consider adding a throw pillow using this fun Hogwarts pets fabric.)
A Couple of Stars
via spoonflower
Add some stars to your room. You can use one of these wallpapers paint your ceiling blue with gold foil stars or use the fabric to add a touch of an enchanted ceiling to your room somewhere besides the ceiling—as curtains or bedspreads or throw pillows.
Some Magical Prints
via etsy
Hang some prints classroom-style using this DIY I put up on the blog few years ago (pictured above!). If you’re not a DIY person, you can also buy them from H&M. There are all sorts of Potter-inspired prints (like the divination tea cup print above) or just ones that fit perfectly with a Harry Potter aesthetic (like the owl print). If you hang a bunch of them, you can even get a less-stuffy portrait-wall effect reminiscent of the walls in the staircases.
A Gilded Mirror
via anthropologie
It may not show you your greatest desire, but it’ll make your house look castle-worthy. (And gilded mirrors aren’t the cheapest, but you can DIY one with a simpler mirror, a wood applique, and some liquid gold leaf.)
Floating Bookshelves
Nothing says Harry Potter more like books and a bit of Alohamora. It’s magical and whimsical and the perfect place to display your Harry Potter collection or a couple of your parents’ old leather dictionaries. They’re also a pretty thrifty option. Only $20 for a set of three on Amazon.
A Globe Chandelier
Globe chandeliers are great, and their vaguely science-y, vaguely castle-y anachronistic look screams “I found this in Dumbledore’s office.” They’re magical and practical and very cool looking.
A Four Poster Bed
via wayfair
Because there’s a certain dormitory you actually wouldn’t mind sleeping in. Whether they’re wooden or metal, ornate or sleek, they’re the most fun when you dress them up with canopies, string-lights, garlands, or whatever else you choose to decorate it with.
Some Flickering Light
Candles provide an ambience that no other decoration can top. Whether you use real flame or flickering LEDs, there’s really nothing else that will make your room feel as magical.
A Trolley Full of Treats
via ikea
via worldmarket
This one’s not a requirement for any room, but pumpkin juice? Chocolate frogs? Bertie Bott’s Beans? I don’t know about you, but I’ll take the lot. (please forgive that joke.)
If you really want to trick out your cart with Harry Potter treats, this blog already has a recipe for DIY sparkling pumpkin juice. You can make chocolate frogs with a simple mold. You can find printables for chocolate frog and Bertie Bott’s boxes online. Whole Foods carries “Flying Cauldron Butterscotch Beer.” The internet is filled with recipes from the books.
If you just want a vaguely HP-inspired cart, set out your favorite tea set and fill some apothecary jars with your favorite British treats.
and one last thing you can do in any room, anywhere…
Add a Fireplace
Turn your phone, tv, tablet, computer, whatever into a fireplace, no fire necessary with any number of “Yule Log” videos online for an instant cozy common room feel.
*Some photos from that party, which were all DIYed on a budget of maybe $150: