I have a big life change to announce—we’ve moved!
Move in day!
Our last home was not only a family home, which belonged to my great-grandparents and then to my grandfather, but also my first post-college home, where I spent the majority of my 20s, met my husband, buried my childhood pet, got married, and had a baby. I’d put a lot of love and work into our last home, which you can see some of in the nursery reveal I posted less than a year ago.
It was hard to say goodbye—at times, I had to pause packing because I was crying so hard—but I took comfort in reminding myself that it was just a house. The only special, magical element in it was love. The love I put into it and the love for the people who lived there. When we left, we took that with us and brought it to the new house, and it may not be as mature a love yet, but those seeds will grow and blossom again.
Already, it’s obvious that the move was exactly the right choice for our family. There’s enough space for me to get an office again, so I can write and paint and craft. For a play area for Charlie. For our piano to rest fully against a wall and not out into the hallway. For Chase to finally buy a rowing machine. For a big, cozy pit sofa. Our bedroom is actually big enough for our bed. Our kitchen window looks out into our own backyard, not our neighbor’s. I get a two-story home with stairs, something I’ve dreamed about my entire life.
I’ll be Instagramming about the house on a new IG handle: @magnoliaarchhome so I can share pictures publicly (my personal IG has gone private so I can share pictures and videos of Charlie with trusted friends and family).
Good things are ahead of us.
Which brings me to another big life change…
I’m leaving my job to stay at home!
For the next few years, I plan to focus on parenting my son, taking care of my family’s new home, and pursuing creative passions. I’m in an extremely privileged position where this is something I’m able to do, and I don’t plan on wasting a single day of this opportunity.
I’ll update again soon (maybe with moving tips?), but I’ve been watching a lot of Winnie the Pooh with Charlie lately, so all I have left to say for now is T-T-F-N. Ta-ta for now!
P.S. if you know me in real life, send me a message on the contact page and I’ll let you know the new address!